A Marketing agency for original equipment manufacturers

How To Focus More On Your Product’s Benefits And Not Features

By Jacob Robinson

Show Your Value Through Benefits Not Features

It’s incredibly easy to only talk about the features of products you manufacture. The specs can be endless! But, in only talking about product features you’re doing your company a HUGE disservice. We see this happening every day within manufacturing brands both large and small.

You see, messaging surrounding specs and features has one massive flaw. Feature-based messaging relies on your customer’s ability to infer the value or benefits of a specific feature.

Sure, some individuals will be able to infer benefits from certain features but many will not.

Smart marketers don’t leave this to chance. They consistently serve benefits (sometimes paired with features) to customers on a golden platter. Stop trying to show your company’s value through talking only about the features of the products you manufacture.

Here are a few tactics that let you easily talk about the benefits and value of working with your company and not just the features of your products!

#1 Exemplify Real Customer Experiences with Case Studies

Buyers are as smart as they’ve ever been. They do more research and have mountains of information at their fingertips. They are not fooled by your fancy new age marketing lingo.

But, one thing they can’t refute is the reputable experiences of people who have done business with you.

To this end, case studies play an important role in allowing you to clearly articulate the benefit of working with you based on real empirical data and customer experiences.

Nothing demonstrates the value of doing business with you better than a high-quality case study. Want to take your case studies a step further? Consider video case studies!

#2 Craft Direct Competitor Comparisons

Product or process comparisons create a huge opportunity for you to talk about the benefits of using you over your competition. Comparisons are an easy way for you to showcase the product features your engineering department so desperately wants you to talk about.

Comparisons can manifest themselves in different ways from print to digital and can also be aggressive or indirect. However you choose to create comparisons, they will provide a controlled conversation that allows you to talk directly about features and more importantly their benefits.

#3 Show the Human Side of Your Company

Humanizing a manufacturing brand can seem difficult. After all, you are a product-focused company. The people behind the scenes can sometimes become an afterthought to the outside world.

But these people can be your company’s greatest asset and differentiator. If you pull back the veil of products and thrust the individuals behind your company into the limelight, you’ll find that your brand instantly becomes more relatable and less cold.

Show what it’s like to do business with the human side of your business and more importantly show the people that make your company unique.

#4 Tell the Story of Your Rich History

Many manufacturers have a history that is rich with change and innovation. A compelling company history is powerful. It can portray you as an adaptor, innovator and stable force within your industry.

These qualities of staying power and longevity are things that customers look for and find huge value in.

#5 Offer Product Samples & Trials

There’s no better way to understand the benefits of working with a company than to actually use their product or see it in action.

Consider taking the benefits conversation to another level by finding unique and creative ways for customers to experience your product for themselves. This experience can come in the form of free samples, demos, and free trials. If your product or process lives up to the value you promised it’d bring; you’ll be one step closer to a new customer.

#6 Display What’s Unique About Your Manufacturing Process

The process you use in creating your product may be as unique and sometimes even more so than the product itself. Find a way to show the uniqueness of your manufacturing process and the benefit that the unique process has on your customers. Consider leveraging video or even a walking tour of your facility!

Check Out Our Blog Post:

How to Craft an Effective Facility Walking Tour

You MUST Effectively Communicate the Benefit of Doing Business with Your Company!

Yes, sometimes it’s easy to create ads, web pages, handouts and other marketing collateral that are feature focused. And let’s be clear, sometimes that’s necessary. But, try to make a concerted effort to effectively communicate the benefit of doing business with your company as often as possible. In the end, that’s what customers care about. Properly communicating these benefits will only help turn more prospects into customers.

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