Unleash Greatness

Rebranding from the Inside Out

ClientDynacast International


Dynacast International is a global pioneer in manufacturing high-precision metal components. From consumer electronics to the automotive industry, many of the products they fabricate are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Dynacast is a behind-the-scenes provider for many popular brands, creating components for products that we all come into contact with on a daily basis. With 80 years of experience in specialty die-cast and metal-injection molding, Dynacast serves their clients utilizing 23 plants across 16 countries.

The Challenge

Dynacast came to Crafted looking for improvement in several different areas:

  • The Dynacast brand was uninspired and didn’t reflect the company’s collaborative energy, expertise, and innovative capabilities
  • The elements of their global brand lacked cohesion from plant to plant, and country to country
  • Their website and marketing assets didn’t position them as experts or indicate the competitive differentiators that make the company unique
  • Their website was also difficult to edit and maintain, was not optimized for search and did not represent their brand visually.

The lack of a strong, authentic brand foundation was at the root of almost every marketing challenge for Dynacast. This authenticity is what allows a company to make real, emotional and lasting connections with customers and prospects.

In order to further differentiate themselves in the marketplace and create a more viable path for growth,

Dynacast had to reimagine their marketing approach to incorporate the things that made them truly unique.

Over a 12-month engagement, Crafted collaborated with Dynacast to overhaul and standardize their global brand (beginning with their brand foundation), create alignment among different internal departments, and equip the company with the necessary tools to market themselves moving forward.

Brand Workshop

Crafted held an intensive brand workshop that included key leaders and stakeholders from Dynacast. The Crafted brand workshop encourages the open exchange of ideas between employees from different departments, levels, and global divisions. It’s a free-flowing forum that often uncovers unique insights and expertise that can be leveraged to create a company’s authentic brand foundation.

With Dynacast, we were able to uncover a goldmine of employee insight and expertise as well as a heritage story that wasn’t receiving the marketing weight it deserved. Our workshop process gave everyone – from both Crafted and Dynacast – the ability to align around what Dynacast does, how they do it, and why. Crafted left with sign-off from all parties about what needed to be said and done in order to help Dynacast continue their corporate evolution.

A Dynacast machine creating sparks cutting through a metal block.

Brand Foundation

From the insights and findings in the brand workshop, Crafted cultivated a brand foundation for Dynacast that would serve as the springboard for every one of their marketing initiatives moving forward. This brand foundation consisted of both a brand strategy and a brand identity.

A Brand Strategy is a formal plan to create an image in the minds of your prospects and customers. It’s essentially the who, what, how and why of your company and includes the following:

  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Core Values
  • Behaviors
  • Positioning
  • Promise

Brand Identity is how the company presents itself along with how they want to be perceived and includes the following:

  • Visual Identity
  • Verbal Identity

Website Design & Development

Like most manufacturers, Dynacast’s website is where prospective customers came to learn, qualify and request more information. It was and would continue to be the hub of Dynacast’s marketing activities, and therefore needed to convey the new brand message, look and feel that came out of our brand workshop.

Key elements of Dynacast’s new website included:

A Robust Knowledge Center
In order to fortify Dynacast’s position as a thought leader in their industry, Crafted designed a knowledge center to provide Dynacast’s in-house experts with a platform to provide prospects and customers with useful insights and information like case studies, white papers, and a company blog.

Dynamic Process & Metal Selector Tool
Choosing the correct metal to use in metal injecting and die casting is critical in ensuring the component performs as expected. We provided a tool that allows buyers to gather some initial information on what alloy will work best for their project. The tool allows customers to filter by mechanical and physical properties before arriving at final alloy options.

International Autonomy
The launch day for Dynacast’s website included 9 international sites to cover Dynacast’s global footprint. Each site reflected a new unified look and feel while offering a degree of autonomy and local control over the content to assist with sales, hiring and internal culture.

By The Numbers

13 Million in new business in the first year

20% increase in organic website traffic in the year following website launch vs previous year

55% increase in session duration

People were spending more time on Dynacast website due to quality content and ease of navigation.

32% increase in page views

Sales Collateral

With all the pieces of a new brand foundation in place, it was essential for Crafted to provide Dynacast’s sales team with the tools they needed to both explain and sell it to prospective customers. We were tasked with creating cohesive sales materials in multiple languages across all of Dynacast’s different locations around the world. Based on the conversations and insights gleaned from our initial brand workshop, as well as subsequent discovery sessions with the Dynacast sales team, Crafted created a litany of sales collateral designed to cover a variety of scenarios for the Dynacast sales team.

These materials included the following:

  • A corporate brochure
  • A corporate PowerPoint template & presentation for investor meetings
  • A materials guide
  • Business cards, letterhead, note cards, email signature
  • Email templates
  • Location 1-sheets
  • Tradeshow collateral
  • Chip sample kit
  • Christmas gifts
White Dynacast brochure highlighting quality service with professional images of employees/products.

Video & Photography

Up until our engagement with Dynacast, they had used a variety of images and video in their marketing efforts. However the assets as a whole, lacked consistency both in the quality and how they represented Dynacast. In an effort to inject more authenticity into the Dynacast brand, Crafted directed a massive shoot using real employees in multiple locations with the goal of building a large internal photo and video library. Pulling back the curtain in this way – with real employees doing real things – allowed Dynacast to showcase their personality in a way that would allow prospective customers to “connect” with who and what they saw.

Dimensional Branding

A cohesive, unified brand isn’t just important for a company’s website and sales materials. It needs to be conveyed at every contact point with the outside world in order to get both prospects and employees to buy in. Crafted made sure to apply Dynacast’s new look, feel and messaging in the lobby, conference rooms, and display cases of Dynacast’s headquarters and made recommendations about how to do the same to all of their other facilities around the world.


Dynacast has always been a successful company, but they had the potential to be so much more. When they engaged Crafted, they weren’t portraying themselves in an authentic way, and their branding efforts were globally inconsistent. Basically, they were achieving success despite their marketing efforts, not because of them. With an initial focus on creating a true-to-self brand foundation, Crafted was able to align the look, feel and messaging of the company in an authentic way, thereby giving them a clearer identity, personality, and pathway to future growth.

Specific achievements included the following:

  • The Dynacast brand was strategically overhauled to have a lighter, fresh feeling, and to reposition the company as an innovative global partner.

  • A comprehensive brand standards manual was created to establish brand consistency in the U.S. market, as well as lay the groundwork for the 20 international websites that would ultimately need to be translated.

  • The new website design dovetailed with Dynacast’s fresh look, providing intuitive navigation while making the company’s competitive advantages more prominent.

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"Crafted did an exceptional job with the Dynacast brand refresh."

“The Crafted Workshop helped to uncover our truths and celebrate our differentiation, and was rewarding to our team in many ways. We are well-positioned with our new brand and web site, and look forward to leveraging our new look into continued success. We are thrilled with the outcome.”

– Nina Snelling

Vice President of Marketing
Dynacast International

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